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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Spring slips in unannounced

Even as the temperatures dip to the 20s and chilling rain falls over the land, spring slips in unannounced and surprises us.

It teases us with blue blossoms of native iris low to the grown in the azalea bed.

In the pink quince on a low bush. (Quince was one of my mother’s very favorite flowers. She grew a pink one at the east end of the porch and, in later years, she planted a white one that she cherished.)

And, in white narcissus that have bloomed for weeks and weeks around trees, near the gate, along the driveway. In the back by the fence that overlooks the deep glen.

And in the low-to-the-ground yellow daffodils that popped up in a faraway corner of the yard.

I picked a bouquet of the daffodils and narcissus for my desk.

The arrangement is a reminder that spring and the flowers it brings is on the way.

Soon, the tiny yellow and white wild flowers that cover our seven and a half acres will fill the landscape. Even though I do love fall better than any season of the year, it is in the spring, when these tiny wild flowers blanket our yard, that it is the most stunning.

What is blooming in your yard?

Share the springy news with me.


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