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Monday, March 31, 2008

A wild time was had by all

Judy and Craig Storer were mixing and mingling at the Wild Game and Fish Dinner
Camille and Don Hathaway were among those seeing and being seen

Here I am at the gate

Shannon and Jean Medenhall (left) and Don Hathaway (at end of table) dig in.

Three hosts: Danny Logan, Steve and Berry Glassell. Logan's wife Karen was also in the crowd.

Photos by Paul L. Schuetze/The Times

On Friday, Paul and I headed up to Jeems Bayou Hunting and Fishing Club near Oil City for the annual Wild Game & Fish Dinner hosted by Danny and Karen Logan and Steve and Berry Glassell. (Jeems Bayou is an old club and its members are a see-and-be-seen group and we never turn down an invitation to zip up that way.)

Everyone is asked to contribute something. So, even if you don’t hunt and fish, you can bring salad, dessert or a bottle of wine.

No one wants to miss it. And a good time is always had by all.

Steve asks everyone to introduce themselves and to tell what they have contributed.

We took a marinated salad. Marty and Melanie Johnson contributed crawfish casserole and Larry and Anne Higdon, shrimp au gratin. There was a chorus of "yeahs," when Bubba Kneipp announced the had brought crawfish and shrimp corn bread.

Anyway, you get the idea of what is served at this feast at this wonderful place in North Caddo Parish.

Some others seeing and being seen: Rob and Vicki Franks, Shreveport City Court Judge Bill Kelly, Darrel and Anna Folse, Carl and Ellen Rice, Robert and Cindy Watson, Cecil and Lou Oliver and Virginia Chastain whose hubby Merritt regretted because he was in Dallas on business. Belcher

By the way, at least two of the guests were stopped by the Oil City Police en route. We are not telling who, but the police let them off with a warning. So, if you are headed up that way, watch the speed limit.


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